Email: Gary - Locke's destiny.
Callers: N/A
Email: Gary - Locke's destiny.
Callers: N/A
Email: Mathew K - Keamy's device, Raymond Bailey - Jack and Claire, Gaz - Orchid Orientation.
Callers: Richard - Moving the Island.
Email: Dwayne - Geeky Tom, Kathy - Richard's test.
Callers: Michael - Flight 815 timeloop.
Email: Dwayne - Geeky Tom's behavior, Scott - Ben's flashforward, DHARMA Farmer - Ray.
Callers: Eden - Charles Widmore, Paul - Ben.
Email: Johnathan - Slaughterhouse-Five, George - Libby's surname, Kevin - Flight 815.
Callers: Kevin - Pilot.
Email: Stuart - Charles Widmore, Sam - Oceanic 6.
Callers: James - Oceanic 6.
Email: Martin - Walt, Nick - Juliet.
Callers: John - The Tempest, Magic Box, Ross - The Hostiles.
Email: Scot - Miles' message, Mathew K - Leonard.
Callers: Laura - Oceanic 6, The Badger - Walt and Michael.
Email: Jack - Island location. Rusty Steel - Whispers. Mathew K - Leonard.
Callers: Jak - Real world time.
Email: Mark - The freighter people.
Callers: Chris - Daniel's clock, Sayid. Gareth - Time loop.
Email: Matt - Miles flashback.
Callers: Tony - Christian Shephard, Episode 8. Dave - Vile Vortices.
Email: Barry - Matthew Abaddon, Whispers. Charlie - Ben and Rousseau.
Callers: Leon - Time Travel theory.
Email: Wiki Wiki Wiki - Character names.
Callers: Seth - Vile Vortices.
Email: Arno - DHARMA food is produced on-Island using magic box
Email: Gordon Blair, Barry
Email: Leon - babies aren't really dying and fetuses being used by Ben. Callers: "Mrs. Geeky Tom" - Sun's conception date inconsistency, Joe - pregnant women die in a variety of circumstances on the...
Email: Tom Lever - Christian Shephard's consciousness was placed in Tom of the Others, Laura - Ben is trying to solve the pregnancy issue as the Island is the only place where humanity can survive...
Email: Gordon - Penny was never going to the island, Eric - Charlie seen in the flashes after he should have died, Mark - Rousseau was an other who was banished, Callers: Leon - Numbers are weeks in...
Email: Jack - Desmond is an Other, GeniusBoy9 - Magic box connects with time travel, Joe - Why Losties haven't moved to Otherville Callers: Arno - Forbidden Planet, Ollie - Dharma Time travel...
Callers: Eden
Callers: Chris
Callers: Lon, Arnaud
Callers: Donna, Geeky Tom (he was not on this show, but called in)
Callers: Mike
Callers: Steve, Sam
Callers: Adam, Leon
Callers: Joe, Siân
Callers: Barry, Julie Arthur
Callers: Craig, Mark
Callers: Alex